Oceania mission has started the web church project in two divided languages: English and Chinese.
Two teams will be set up to serve the two languages of the project, one for each language. P.Faith Yang and P.David Chang will focus on the English project, aiming to evangelize the natives and set up the Anglo-Saxon background leaders, while P.Taylor will lead the Melbourne church members to plant the web church in Chinese.
The web church will target the people in seven cities in Australia, two cities in New Zealand, and one city in Papa New Guinea. Oceania OA plans to set up churches in both languages in those cities and the web church will play the role to reach out to those cities prior to the on-site missionaries’ arrival.
Brainstorms and bench-marks will take place as the first step. Research on the successful models of the web church will be studied and tested. Besides English and Mandarin, later more languages of web churches will be established, such as Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, and Arabian.
Oceania has a relatively small population yet the diversity of ethnicity is great. It is prayed that the web church project will help to fulfill the vision of ‘prophesying again to many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings’.